6 Ways to Reduce Your Family’s Digital Footprint
Protecting yourself and your family while online is becoming an increasingly hard thing to do. As an activist against cyberbullying and...
My First Year as a Facebook Group Admin
A few years back, I started a Facebook group for the parents at my daughter’s grade school. I wanted a place where parents could look for...
Seven Things Parents Can do about Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying. It’s a topic that has been in the news quite a lot lately. Unfortunately, most of the stories are about the negative...
My Tinder Experience
For those of you that have never heard of Tinder, it is a free app that is meant to introduce people interested in a “relationship.” I...
Why Social Media Sites Don't Matter
I have written quite a few articles telling parents to make sure that their kids avoid specific social media sites, such as Yik Yak,...
Social Media's Unexpected Impact on Children
In today’s world, people are being bombarded, even overloaded with information on a daily basis more than ever before. Only going back a...
The Top 5 Questions Parents Ask about Social Media
#1: When should I let my kids use social media? There is no specific age as to when it’s okay to let your kids use social media. It all...
Should Teachers Use Social Media?
While some people do not have to consider their job when it comes to what they post on social media, teachers are in a somewhat unique...
11 (More) Clichés to Using Social Media Responsibly
When I started writing an article on how many clichés I could apply to using social media responsibly, I was a little amazed at how many...
What is the "Dark Web?"
The massive data breach involving Ashley Madison has introduced many people to a new concept – the Dark Web. Before I explain what the...